Friday, July 4, 2008

So, I ignobly hurt myself playing tennis this week.  I TORE my plantaris tendon (yea, look it up, you might not even have one).

I might be a baby, but it really hurts to walk on it so the Dr gave me a splint, crutches, and vicoden and I sat on my bed for two days and imperially ordered Joey and Caroline around.  
I did learn that if I walk on my toes and keep my knee bent, I am in little pain,  but I'm not very good at sustaining this posture, so I rely on the crutches.  The Plantaris Tendon is sometimes called "fools tendon" b/c some people don't even have one and there isn't any real use for it except to cause a lot of pain when you tear it.  The cool thing is that I HEARD it pop and the tear felt like a rubber band snapping....
Anyway, I was thinking that there couldn't be a worse time, but certainly there could have been.  How about the last week of school?  Ugh.  Terrible time to be on crutches
Or my time in Hawaii?  Ooooh, that would have sucked.
Or when there is ice and snow on the ground?  Messy and yucky.
So, in the midst of all this inconvenience there are many things to be thankful for.  I am glad to have a leg even if it isn't working right now.


LosPeterson said...

Look at you Ms. Glass-half-full! Bravo. I would be whining like crazy if I were you! I'm so glad Joe and Caroline are there to do your bidding right now. Make them take special care of you and bring you lots of Diet Dr. Pepper w/extra ice and vicoden. Man, it is no fun being laid up like that. Especially when you're in pain. Hang in there dearest auntie! Love you.

p.s. My glass half full moment is that your new immobilized status will mean more thinking about reading posts :)

Nat said...

your backwards picture is tripping me out :)

Hope you're dang leg is feeling better!! Still on pain meds? That helps an awful lot...

Linne Haywood said...

Yeah, that's what opiates do for you - allow you to see things in a glaze of optimism.