Sunday, October 26, 2008

I think I'm purple

I have long been dormant in my blog writing; you know, it is one of those things that when you put off too long, like an overdue phone call to a friend, you wonder if you can get back into the groove, if the blog is still relevant, if anyone out there will even care…….

So, I write in hopes that others read, but I think I am writing today to work some things out for myself in the political arena.  Rick and I have long been intellectual pals – he is smart and has great ideas and I like to bask in his intellect and bounce my own, wackily formed ideas off his sound ideology.

This political season, we have parted ways.  Early this spring, I determined that Obama most closely matched my political beliefs, while Rick, who was intrigued by the left at first, has more firmly become entrenched in his seat on the McCain train.  Our discussions have become frigid and we seem to find no common ground to agree upon. 

Our children, Caroline and Joey, can’t stand our volatile discussions and Caroline told me recently that when she gets married she wants her husband to have the same political views as she does.  Uh oh.  How did we get so off track from one another?

I am not one for introspection – I don’t always care why I do or think something; I just do, but I have been giving this a lot of thought. 

You see, Rick is afraid that if Obama wins, life as we know it will never be the same.  He thinks that the Muslim influence will negatively affect our Christian country and that the liberals will make inroads into places that they will never relinquish.  On the other hand, I think that Obama has good ideas and that our country needs some major directional changes; however, if all goes awry and we do head for Hell in that proverbial hand basket, then we will just vote for a new president in four years.  Or, if things go from good to awful in two years, then we can just elect new U.S. Representatives as they are all up for re-election then. 

Honestly, I think what Rick and my other right-wing friends are afraid of is more about the changes in society and less about the coming political changes.

While Obama supports abortion and same-sex marriage, he doesn’t advocate for a constitutional change, but we see states battling these issues in their own political races, not because Obama is running for president. 

I, too, am afraid for our country’s future, but I still believe in our country.  Come what may, I believe that God’s guidance is on the leader’s of our nation.  Come November 5th, I think I will be happy no matter the result.

What do you think? 


Anonymous said...

well said mom! that's just how i feel too. i get so much crap down here for my views and so i've decided to never ever bring them up. it sucks though because it's all anyone wants to talk about. i enjoy your perspective about how if things don't turn out we'll just change them. why can't some of the hard core right wingers i know stop throwing a hissy fit and adopt your attitude of zen?

LosPeterson said...

I'm . . . "Bled" then I guess. That or "Rue" . I actually already voted absentee (we're leaving town on the 4th). Thanks for sharing your processing with the rest of us. The past 2 years have been pretty hairy. I have plenty of political opinions but find that I mostly keep them to myself these days because conflict always seems to ensue. People are passionate. And that's the one majorly awesome thing about this election- record voter registration. It's about time that the country got off of their complacent butts and started caring about who leads us, red or blue.

Nat said...

My favorite part about this election has been the SNL skits...who's with me?
I must admit, I'm still undecided-kind of. I think my vote hinges on what mood (red or blue) I'm in come Tuesday.
Is it sad that I'm way more concerned with Prop 8 passing than who is our next president?

Anonymous said... long lost friend! I can't believe that I found you! And you sound like you haven't changed much after 20 (plus) years...still fun and hilarious, still smart as all get-out, (whoever made up that phrase anyway?), still spunky and, oh yes, opinionated! I always loved that about you--but as far as your hopes for Tuesday go, I side more with your hubby. I do know, however, that whatever happens, God is still actually The One in charge and "all is well, all is well." Write me back sometime! Lorie Creek (

Linne Haywood said...

Katrina, Renae, Natalie, and Lorrie, thank you all for reading my blog and responding thoughtfully about this political arena in which we are involved. I love you all - bled, rue or straight up dark blue.



I meant to comment the day I read your post--pre-election, but I got busy. (See my blog).

But I always look for your blog when I am checking in on the family. I guess that makes you family.

I wonder, too, if anyone is reading my blogs. But in the end I guess the writing is for me as much as it is for anyone else. I just like knowing someone took the time to read them.

I did calm down a bit after reading your c'est la vie approach to who wins the election...just wait 4 years and vote again. Very pragmatic, and I am very big on pragmatism. I do believe, too, that we need some big changes and I am rooting for Obama to pull them off. Let's pray that he can get this country out of its current descent.

Keep writing!