Monday, July 28, 2008

The Greatest Works.....

Boyd K Packer, in a speech about art and Latter-day Saints said
"I mentioned earlier that the greatest hymns and anthems have not been composed, nor have the greatest illustrations been set down, nor the poems written, nor the paintings finished. When they are produced, who will produce them? Will it be the most talented and the most highly trained among us? I rather think it will not. They will be produced by those who are the most inspired among us. Inspiration can come to those whose talents are barely adequate, and their contribution will be felt for generations; and the Church and kingdom of God will move forward just a little more easily because they have been here."
I think this is why I love the Twilight Seriesso much.  It is the same reason I love the writings of Orson Scott Card  Not because I share a religion with them both, but because they share their religion so well through their art.  
You see, I love to write, and I've thought about writing a MORMON story or book, but my idea was to make it "REAL", you know the truths about Mormon living, good and bad. But I'm rethinking my plan.  Stephenie Meyer and Orson Scott Card write about truths in human nature (which are compelling and universal) and stay true to the nature of God and the tenets in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  People are good in Meyer and Card's writings.  
Meyer especially has made me re-think teen fiction.  I work with teenagers and most teens I know aren't like the ones Meyer portrays in her Twilight series .  Most of the teens I know unapologetically engage in all sorts of vices.  But that isn't how it has to be and that isn't the reality for many, many young people with solid morals and standards.  I like that there are places to go where the ugly realism hasn't permeated. 
Rock on, good Mormon writers, may you replenish the earth! 


Unknown said...

both authors write amazing stories, I've decided.

Nat said...

Twilight and Ender's Game have to be the most popular young adult novels of all time. Coincidence? I think not... :)

Linne Haywood said...

Natalie and Joey were not bribed to respond so favorably to my treatise....however, Joey, I did make chocolate chip cookies today.


All I know is this...Emily loves the Twilight series. I haven't had access to it yet.

Jess and I loved Ender's game and all of that series of early Card works. I even read everyting pre-Ender that he wrote. I got turned off when he started mirroring the Book of Mormon though, in that set of books where it's so eery because you already know the whole story...I have forgotten the name of those books. I was fascinated and repulsed simultaneously...which is quite a trick to pull off, isn't it?

Let me know if Card writes anything new in the science fiction arena. It seems like he has been milking Ender for a while, with Bean as the Ender wannabe.

Is this ok? I wasn't intending to accost you. In fact, I just wrote you your very own blog, in response to your comment on my last one. Go see how smart you are!

LosPeterson said...

I am somewhat ashamed to say I haven't read EITHER of the two aforementioned authors at all (gasp!). I wish I had (or at least felt a little better about giving myself) time to read fiction right now but every preciously scarce moment when I have nothing else to do but read, is spent on "social worky" type books. Love them. Love reading things with real world application, but I definitely admit to missing a good chunk of fiction to let my brain mush into. Sigh, if only some of my clients were Mormon Vampires or children experiencing "bugger" induced PTSD.

Linne Haywood said...

Yes, yes, my mind is a little mushy with Mormn sci fi and Vampires who love each other forever, but it sure beats students who are jonesin' for oxycontin but have to stay clean b/c CPS is doing random drug checks, right? Sometimes it just feels good to read happy fiction. I do have to admit that I haven't read Card in awhile but I did read that he castigated JK Rowlings for making Dumbledore gay.