Friday, August 22, 2008

I wept when I read this book....

And not so much because I was sad, but mostly because this book, to me, is a story about hope and love set in a dark, bleak world of unspeakable destruction.  It seems I am always late to the table when finding a great book; I have never discovered one on my one, but have to be persuaded to read many a book that I eventually fall in love with.  The Road is one of them.  I heard of it and thought that I couldn't stand to read a post-apocalyptic book that was starts with a premise of hopelessness and ends less so....... 

Those who know me know I like a good upturn of events in a book - romance before tragedy unless it's Shakespeare - I always say.  The Road is poignant and sweet and terrible.  

Read it so we can talk about it!

1 comment:


Hi Linne. Based on your blog I read the book. Wow. If I had known the author wrote No Country for Old Men I would have skipped it. But thankfully, I didn't know that. He does have a way with bleak though, you know.

I liked the book. I liked the Father's devotion. I liked the child's awareness and growth along the road. And I liked the fact that there was hope at the end of the road.

Makes you think about all that food storage we have, doesn't it. Thanks for the plug.

Oh, and by the way, I read the Twilight series last week! I wasn't sure I was hooked until I got to the 3rd book. I never thought Bella would make the choice she did! What a twist on the vampire mythology!

And now I feel like an insider...since it seems everyone has read it. Ready for the movie.