Saturday, February 9, 2008

My First Caucus

I don't even know where to start, but today I volunteered to represent my precinct as a delegate for Barrack Obama! I've always been politically active, but casting a vote for a Democratic candidate makes me feel like I'm batting for the other team.  I think I've been a Dem in my heart for some time now, but I have conservative values that I have felt were better matched in the Republican party.  Whoooooo.......I feel kinda free, like I just took my bra off and decided not to shave my legs.  
The caucus was CRAAAAAZZZY.  The planners didn't plan well so there were long lines and lots of confusion, but the process was rejuvenating.  
I'll bet you'd (hmmmm, I think my readership is kinda low, so maybe I'm just writing to myself here) like to know why I am supporting Barrack Obama and why just saying so makes me feel like I'm a part of something enormous?  Stay tuned......


wa_tchr said...

Not being of the bra-wearing, leg-shaving gender -- I will have to take your word for it that telling of your support for Barack Obama gives you a sense of liberation. As much as you are a mal-content Republican looking elsewhere for answers, I probably could equally be labelled as a mal-content Democrat looking for answers - even going so far as to not necessarily write off Ron Paul -- US senator and medical doctor from Texas -- who aligns himself as libertarian/Republican conservative. I don't know that I can stomach all that he believes or the company he keeps -- but he is the only one of the candidates who is speaking out about America's need to change drastically in order to compete in the need "flattened" global economy. But ultimately, I voted for Obama too -- hoping that his promises of being able to bring change will mean that he is receptive to taking on the challenges that will be needed in order to cope and adjust with the technological, world changes in the business world -- amounting to a virtual economic revolution -- occurring right under our noses.

Linne, I commend you on your honest openness and searching. I too am searching and welcome the company of others openly seeking. I don't know if we will arrive at that same destination or not, or even how much of our travels can be together -- but I wish you the best, and encourage you to continue blogging -- whether it be as part of a school edublog program, or merely for your own personal expression and reflection.


Nat said...

how do we know you didn't actually take your bra off?? and i KNOW you haven't shaved your legs in weeks... :)

Rick said...

I join you in the questioning, dearest. You are so smart and quick witted. What a great blog to start with! More comments to come of a substantive nature.

P.S. I know the truth behind the bra-wearing and leg-shaving comment. You can't fool me.