Monday, February 11, 2008

You've got to be an optimist to be a Democrat......

..and you've got to be an humorist to stay one!!  Will Rogers said this pithy truism sometime in the early part of the 20th century, and I appreciate his guidance in this election year.
Since I "came out" as a Dem, everyone wants to talk me out of it, like if they only tell me this one terrible thing about Clinton or Obama, I will come to my senses and get back on the McCain Train.  So, I've been thinking about my politics very carefully.  Okay, I'm not a Drudge reader like my brilliant husband, or an article clipper like the effervescent Ann Rankin, or a lifelong Dem-on-principal like many of my amazing friends, but I am smitten with Barack Obama.  
Yep, if Obama asked me to, I'd go steady with him (sorry, honey, it's his rhetoric).  When I was 22, I campaigned for Terry Miller, the Alaskan Gubernatorial Republican Candidate. I door-knocked, and rallied, and held my breath when he spoke.  He lost and, except for Ross Perot in 1992, I've had no real bouts with political fever or fervor......until now.  
Color me blue, baby, I'm in for the long haul.


Nat said...

when you say the McCain train do you really mean the McCain tank?

Linne Haywood said...

Touche, my democratic friend. All republicans ride in weapons of war.

Jen said...

Big news from Austin! Barack and Hil are yet again squaring off tomorrow night, but on the UT Campus! About 22,000 people have entered a raffle for 100 public tickets. I'll let you know when I get mine! Support your crush...check out CNN.